1·Quality control of preparation technique is the key to develop technique performance of the piezoelectric protein sensing chip.
2·Use case models you develop with the technique described in this article can remain valid and useful beyond delivery.
3·This technique lets you can develop your JSF applications without considering security issues.
使用这项技术,可以在不用考虑安全问题的情况下开发 JSF 应用程序。
4·This technique helps me to look at my life through the eyes of a different person and it helps me to see what habits or what attitude I should develop in order to cope with this situation.
5·Then, develop a load balancing program using an algorithm, technique, or tool to redirect visitor and Web requests from a busy server to freely-available servers.
6·Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn develop communications technique called TCP, allowing multiple networks to understand one another, creating a true Internet.
Vint Cerf和Bob Kahn开发被称为TCP的通信技术,使得多个网络能够相互理解,建立一个真正的互联网。
7·Here's a useful exercise that will help you develop greater skill in this technique.
8·This technique requires one to develop a vivid and colorful imagination that can be linked to a known object.
9·Value chains are a technique to help teams and organizations develop an understanding of how long things take and how much waste there is.
价值链 就是帮助团队和机构更好地理解工作的持续时间,以及有多少消耗量。
10·We then introduce the technique of how to develop the client program using ADO/MD component to visualization data.